
Bank Over Draft Limit Management

Get a smart control on your Bank OD A/c for better utilization of OD limit. View a detailed report on all dates when your OD A/c has utilised, when the OD limit has exceeded - along with graphical representation or highest / lowest balances summary.

Print RTGS/NEFT /TT Info. On Invoice

Do your debtors delay payments just because they don’t have your Bank details ready with them? Do you need to send your ‘Bank Details’ again & again to the parties? Now, regularly publish it on your invoices or documents and make it easy to recall whenever they want. Enjoy fast collections & correct deposits. For SWIFT transfer you need to send the TT /Wired transfer details separately, with the help of this add-on you can print SWIFT details also. Print ‘Bank Account Information’ (i.e. A/c Number / IFSC Code / Branch / Bank Name) on Invoice / docs. Make it easy for your debtors to retrieve it anytime.

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