A Comprehensive Credit / Channel Management Solution for TallyPrime.
Control the Liquidity and Timely Receipts By Managing Payment Performances of Each & Every Debtor.
Don’t let the cash crunch occur as an accident!
Decide with logic, how credit worthy is a party.
Always keep sharp eyes on cash flow by real time monitoring of committed.
V/S actual realisation.
Company wise vouchers in Ledger Summary of Group Company.
Push SMS & emails for credit limit update to the parties
Benefits -
Provides multiple data points on a single screen for detailed analysis of ‘Credit Behaviour’ of a party.
Useful in scenarios of frequent transactions with numerous parties or high credit risk markets.
No burden of remembering current balances, outstanding or turnover of parties during dealing & billing.
Summarized report for Party’s balances, recent transactions, interest details, bill details, payment performance.
Party’s Performance Report helpful in judging limits. -
Helps to manage credit process in comprehensive manner.
Alerts/stops invoicing on exhaustion of either the credit limit or credit period.
Compares party’s previous year’s turnover with current year.
Check credit limit/period/performance during entries.
Also controls Payment & Credit note to parties whose limit/ credit period is over.
Print due details & limit statistics on sales & receipt Admin can authorise users to set credit parameters of parties.
Can include PDC transactions in limit consideration.
Last Sales and Receipt analysis.
Credit groups for multiple concerns / branches of single party.
Enhanced multi ledger limit (credit limit) report.
Ledger & credit group limit statistics report.
Parallel Grouping of party ledgers.
Black listed parties report.
Stop credit billing with single button.
Tagged Ledger balance and bill-by-bill balance.
Use categorisation bill reference.
Outstanding Follow -up management.
Ledger balance on Ledger/Group outstanding report.
Cost Centre / Salesman / Agent wise outstanding report.