Using this add-on, you can view stock summary in a tabular format by putting the item’s stock category & stock group in columns. You can also see Items VAT / GST % rate here.
Maintaining batches or serial number is useful when we require to track or lookup for items after sales. But in case of numerous lots or serials, the purchase entry consumes lot of time as you need to key-in single-single batch / lot no, hence there are chances of error. With this easy solution of importing from excel file, your purchase will never be the same. Enjoy faster & correct data entry.
"A new report is provided to view Voucher types with inventory inward & outward movement. It displays both quantity and value of items of selected Stock Group. Voucher types which can be added in this report are Sales, Purchase, Receipt Note, Delivery Note, Credit Note, Debit Note, Material In/Out, and Stock Journal. For voucher type such as Stock Journal, one can select required movement (inward/outward)."