Maker-Checker / Voucher Approval System

Maker-Checker / Voucher Approval System

The Maker-Checker System is a control mechanism used in financial transactions or business processes to ensure accuracy and prevent fraud. Suitable for All Businesses and Effects Data Only After Approval. Authorized persons can be different for each voucher type.

Maker-Checker is voucher approval mechanism where created vouchers goes through checking/approval process. Approval required vouchers won’t affect accounting and inventory until admin/authorized person approves it.

Verification can be set two ways:

  1. Verification through both checking and approval.
  2. Direct approval by skipping checking process.


  • Voucher type wise-user wise checking/approval
  • Can set user(s) for whom approval is required.
  • Can set user(s) who can check voucher(s).
  • Can set user(s) who can approve voucher(s).
  • Best practice in multi-level hierarchy.
  • Suitable for every business type.
  • Voucher approval mechanism on all voucher types.
  • Voucher approval available for Owner level as well.
  • Effect of transactions on accounts/inventory after approval only.

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