Office Productivity

Add Prefix To Export File Name

This add-on facilitates to add prefix to export file name. It can be set for each company separately. If you are working in more than one company (Tally data) then it distinguishes export file name for each company (data) automatically, i.e. no need to give / specify / change export file name each time during export for each company. It also facilitates to add voucher type wise prefix which helps to identify each voucher export more efficiently and separately. Using it, you can set different prefix for each voucher type which will be automatically added while you export any voucher

Advance Criteria for Batch Selection

"Highlights- Reduce time to find batch with nearby expiry. - Helps to maintain stock ageing in efficient way. - Reduce risk of dead stock due to expiry date. - View 'Mfg. Dt.' in batch list. "

Auto Set System Date As Current Date

It automatically sets the system date as Tally’s current date, eliminating the need for manual interventions. This ensures seamless synchronization between the system date and Tally's records, enhancing accuracy and efficiency in financial transactions and reporting. Implementing such automation streamlines data entry processes and reduces the risk of errors related to date discrepancies in Tally, ensuring that Tally records consistently reflect the real-time chronological context

Automated & Hidden Multiple CC Email IDs

This add-on will help you to define multi CC e-Mail IDs. These e-Mail IDs will be set as hidden CC in all emails which are being sent form Tally

Capture Additional Comments In Transaction

This add-on facilitates you to record additional comment or remark in transaction which can be used for future reference but these comments neither can be displayed in any report nor can be printed from anywhere.

Capture Employee Personal Details

Add-On facilitates you to save & report additional details of your employees like Qualification, Vehicle & Mediclaim info. along with their Anniversary, Mobile No., Personal Email, Permanent Address, Children count etc. These additional details are captured in employee masters & then added in Employee’s profile report.

Clearer Visibility Of Compressed Text

This Add-on facilitates the user to have enlarged and clearer visibility of compressed text through extended field width. With the help of this add-on, user can see the text typed clearer than default

Compare All Price Lists On Single Screen

This Add-on facilitates to view multiple price lists in a single report so that you can compare the rates and modify the details in specific price list accordingly.

Custom Messages & Notifications

This Add-on facilitates user to set custom messages & notifications in Tally.ERP9. Messages can be set for the events like Tally Start-up, Company Start-up and Shut Company. You can set Welcome Note & Notifications for users and also can set ‘Gateway of Tally’ title with user name (logged in user) or any other title as per required.

Detailed Formal Receipt

This add-on will help you with comprehensive formal receipt by printing the various accounting head under which money has been received. This add-on is more effective for service oriented business establishments.

Details Of Mail Sent From The Product

This add-on helps you to get the log of e-Mail sent from the Tally. This add-on provides details like who has sent the mail and to whom along with date and time & other parameters.

Display Ledger Information in Tooltip

View Ledger information directly from Vouchers, Outstanding reports, Trial Balance, Daybook, Voucher Registers, Group Summary, Trial Balance. A tooltip appears when cursor hovers over the ledger name. It displays information such as Party Ledger Group name, Note, Description, Mailing Name, State, GSTIN, Country, Address, Contact Person, Mobile number, Email ID.

Enhance Multi Ledger Creation & Alteration

This Add-on facilitates user to edit Price Level, Alias, Notes, Bill Wise, and Cost Center & PAN/IT No. for multiple ledgers in one go. The feature enhances the multi ledger creation, alteration and display screen.

Party Contact Details In Group Summary

This add-on will help you to view debtors or creditors contact name, phone & mobile numbers, email ID and addresses in group summary report. Create a handy collection or reminder report in seconds.

Party Wise Sales Target Achievement

This add-on helps you to assign the target in party master & get a ledger wise report based on total sales amount v/s target achieved till date. Also get item details and view balance / excess of the targeted amount

Salesman Wise Orders Outstanding Report

This add-on helps to generate agent or broker wise sales or purchase order pending report. Highlights - Cost centre wise Sales Order & Purchase order pending report,View outstanding of all salesmen in a single report

Salesman Wise Sales Analysis

This add-on facilitates to generate agent/broker wise sales analysis report. This report provides details like number of items sold, bills raised and the nett revenue generated by a broker. Manage the agent, salesperson or broker wise sales with the help of cost-centres. Get a dash-board style report containing comprehensive information from invoices. This reduces calculation hurdles by providing the number of products dealt & number of invoices raised.

Salesman Wise Target Achievement

This add-on helps to define the sales targets for your salesman / executives / agents maintained as cost-centres in Tally and to analyse the achievement (balance / excess) of their target with actual inventory sales done in a particular period.

Voucher Type Wise Auto Narration

This add-on helps to set pre-defined templates for commonly / frequent used narrations. Once defined, these are shown as list during the entry of the respective voucher type. This results in speedy entries with uniformity.

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