Tally Virtual User License to Run TallyPrime in a Virtual Environment (RDP/Cloud/VPN and Others). Allows Users to Access TallyPrime Virtually from Any Location. TVU Can be Used to Access TallyPrime Through Cloud Services, Windows RDP, or Similar Technologies.
✔ So far, TallyPrime was used on standalone desktop computers or laptops, or on computers in a LAN environment. You could decide which license of the product is right for you – a single-user (Silver) or an unlimited multiuser (Gold) based on your business needs.
✔ Over the last few years with the rise of virtualisation technologies such as Windows RDP, Citrix, Windows Thin Client, cloud services, etc., the demand to access the Tally application and data using such technologies has increased.
✔ Keeping up with our commitment to bring in changes that make your life easier, and serve the growing need to access TallyPrime from anywhere, anytime, we have changed our licensing policy to authorise and support the virtual usage of TallyPrime. This is operated through a Tally Virtual User (TVU) pack. The change implies that if you use Windows RDP, cloud services or similar technologies to access TallyPrime virtually, you need a TVU pack.